
I would love to introduce myself in some striking, profound way, and for a while I really tried to find the words that would serve to paint me in an illustrious yet relatable light. But that’s not really the point; in fact, it’s quite the opposite. My goal here is for the reader to form their own idea of who I am through the lens of my work, so I’ll lead with the barest of basics:  

Hi, I’m Becca David (that’s “Dah-veed”), and this is my treatise on this, that, and the other. 

I’m calling this a lifestyle blog, but you should understand that I don’t pretend to have an all-encompassing scope of the world. All I know is life as I see and experience it, and I sincerely hope that some pearls of general wisdom will come from my tidbits, observations, and opinions. I’m not trying to give advice, and I’m certainly not here to preach. I’m simply putting my reality out into the universe with hopes that it will resonate with someone. 

That’s all I’ll say for now. You’ll learn more about me if you choose to continue reading, so I’d rather not exhaust you with all the gory details at the starting line. I hope that what you read here makes you feel seen. I hope you laugh. But above all else, my hope for this project is to shed a little light on the fact that we’re all doing our best to exist in a world that kinda sucks, but is still very much worth living in. 

